Changing rules of formal and informal writing


Changing rules of formal and informal writing

In general, writing has become more formal while speaking has been more casual. These disparities are, however, starting to disappear.

formal and informal writing

In reality, English usage in professional settings has begun to become less formal. Many conventions that were originally viewed as improper in official writing—for instance, the use of personal pronouns—are now accepted without reservation. Identical shifts are also being seen in the academic world.

Here are a few elements that are gradually but surely becoming more prevalent in formal writing.

The use of personal letters

I and we are now perfectly acceptable in commercial correspondence. Because they think that using personal letters will help them personalise the message, corporations are actively promoting this trend. In personal correspondence, the pronoun "I" shows the writer is ready to accept responsibility. On the other hand, the firm is referred to as we.

Split infinitives

A split infinitive is an expression where the words "to" and "verb" are separated by an adverb. They are still avoided by certain authors, but they are also becoming more popular.

Using and or but at the beginning of a phrase

Beginning a statement with the conjunctions and or but was once seen as a significant offence; today, they are also allowed. But you shouldn't use a conjunction at the start of a phrase merely for show. If at all possible, avoid using it, but if necessary, don't be afraid to do so.


Academic writing should refrain from using contractions. Emails and other private business correspondence, however, are completely acceptable for using them.

How to write a thank-you letter?

You recently received an excellent job offer or a kind present from someone. The finest approach to express your gratitude is through writing a "thank you note." Here are some pointers on how to write a polite thank-you letter.

Write a letter to a specified recipient.

It is usually a good idea to address your letter to a specific person, whether you are writing a thank-you letter or another type of letter.

Be truthful

Never write a thank-you note merely out of politeness. Your letter must be written in a truthful manner. Most individuals can tell when someone is lying without any effort.

A thank-you letter should be used to show your appreciation. hence, stay on topic. Refrain from talking about unrelated topics in a thank-you letter.

The letter should be properly ended. Reiterate your gratitude, for instance. Or you can state that you want to stay in touch.

Send it out as soon as you can

Please draught the letter as soon as you can. For instance, you received a gift from someone. A thank-you letter should ideally be sent within 24 hours after receiving the gift. A thank-you note delivered two or three weeks later is of little value.

Be brief.

Short and uncomplicated is best. A thank-you note must be brief. Even so, you must be able to communicate your point clearly. Pick the proper phrases to express your gratitude to the person.

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