Intensive Study Plan Part 2

 Intensive Study Plan Part 2

According to the requirements of the "Notice of the CPC Mohe Forestry Bureau Committee's Work Plan for Party History Study and Education", the trade union of Mohe Forestry Bureau conscientiously implements the unified deployment of the State Forestry and Grassland Bureau and the relevant work requirements of the Forestry Group Company on carrying out party history study and education, combined with the actual work , specially formulate the party history centralized study plan for party members as follows.

Intensive Study Plan Part 2

1. Learning direction

Let the party members deeply remember the glorious course of the Communist Party of China's century-old struggle; deeply understand the great contribution the Communist Party of China has made to the country and the nation; deeply understand the original purpose of the Communist Party of China to serve the people; Theoretical achievements; learn and inherit the revolutionary spirit created by the great struggle of the Communist Party of China; deeply understand the valuable experience of the Communist Party of China in successfully promoting revolutionary construction and reform.

2. Learning objectives

Through the education and study of party history, party members can further understand the great power of thought, and strengthen the political consciousness of arming the whole party with innovative theories of the party; further grasp the laws and general trends of historical development, and always grasp the historical initiative of the development of the party and the country; The understanding of the nature and purpose of the party, and always maintain the distinctive qualities of a Marxist party; further summarize the party's historical experience, and continuously improve the ability to deal with risks and challenges; further carry forward the revolutionary spirit, and always maintain the high spirit of hard work; further strengthen the party's unity and Centralize and unify to ensure that the whole party moves forward in unison.

3. Study plan

  • Centralized learning plan for party members' party history education
  • serial number
  • Learning Content
  • Specific requirements
  • learning method
  • Schedule


In-depth study and understanding of the spirit of the important speech at the Party History Study and Education Mobilization Conference, and the spirit of the important speech at the Party History Study and Education Summary Conference.

In-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the important speech, guide party members and cadres to "know history and love the party, know history and love the country", so as to learn party history, understand ideas, do practical things, open new games, and gather the majestic forces for a new journey during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period . Clarify the goals and requirements of party history learning and education, work hard to learn, understand, and practice, with the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, closely combined with the process of historic achievements and historical changes in the party Central Committee and the country's cause, and deeply understand this The truth power and practical power of the party's innovative theory effectively strengthen the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and achieve "two safeguards".

Learning Power Concentrates on Learning

March 2021


In accordance with the spirit of the "Notice of the CPC Mohe Forestry Bureau Committee's Work Plan for Party History Study and Education", the Human Resources Section organized party members and cadres to communicate and implement the unified deployment of the State Forestry and Grassland Bureau and the forestry group company's relevant regulations on carrying out party history study and education Work requirements.

Focusing closely on the learning direction of learning history to understand principles, learning history to increase credit, learning history to respect morality, and learning history to practice, further strengthen party members' sense of mission and responsibility to consciously "party history, talk about party history, understand party history, and use party history to learn". In the study of party history, forge the soul of faith, consolidate the foundation of thought, take responsibility for the people, strengthen the power of struggle, cultivate the style of incorruptibility, and effectively transform the learning results into specific actions to promote the high-quality development of various tasks of the Forestry Bureau , to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party with outstanding achievements.

Party History Study and Education Mobilization Deployment Meeting

April 26, 2021


Comprehensively and in-depth study of party history and modern history, and deepen the important thinking of the "Three Represents" of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, and Deng Xiaoping Theory.

Through long-term persistence in learning the precious essence left by great men, we will continue to push forward the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, master the foundation of party building, the foundation of governance, and the source of strength in learning, and constantly create a party history learning atmosphere with strong human resources .

intensive study

May-July 2021


In-depth study and understanding of the spirit of the important speech at the Party History Study and Education Mobilization Conference, in-depth study of "A Brief History of the Communist Party of China", and study the party's struggle process during the socialist revolution and construction period.

Deeply understand the glorious history, great contributions, and original purpose of our party over the past century, and deeply study and understand that our party has led the people through 28 years of bloody struggle to complete the historical task of national independence and people's liberation, establish the People's Republic of China, and realize China's transformation from a few A great leap from millennium feudal autocracy to people's democracy. (Adhere to the self-study progress of 20 minutes per day and 100 minutes per week for party members, and make study notes)

intensive study

May 2021


In-depth study of the "Questions and Answers on the Study of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the Era of Xi Jinping" to learn the historical changes of the party and the contents of important works.

Deeply understand that socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era has entered a new era, and the party leads the people to promote the cause of the party and the country to achieve historic achievements and historical changes. Winning the battle against poverty as scheduled, we are about to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and embark on a new journey to build a modern socialist country in an all-round way. The Chinese nation has ushered in a great leap from standing up to becoming rich. (Adhere to the self-study progress of 20 minutes per day and 100 minutes per week for party members, and make study notes)

intensive study

June 2021


In-depth study and study of "On the History of the Communist Party of China", "Excerpts of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, and Hu Jintao's Discussions on the History of the Communist Party of China", follow up and learn the important speeches and the latest instructions on party history education in a timely manner.

Persist in paying attention to reading original works, learning original texts, and understanding principles, so that party members can draw wisdom and strength from them, fully understand and correctly understand the party's glorious history, great achievements, valuable experience, glorious traditions, and fine style, and deepen the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. , especially the understanding and mastery of the idea of ​​ecological civilization. (Adhere to the self-study progress of 20 minutes per day and 100 minutes per week for party members, and make study notes)

intensive study

July 2021


In-depth study of the spirit of the important speech at the meeting celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

Focusing on studying the spirit of the important speech at the meeting celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, deeply understand the significance of the times, academic connotation, core essence, and practical requirements of the speech, and establish a correct view of party history. Further deepen the systematic grasp of the party's history, better understand the party's history, listen to the party's words, and follow the party, better inherit the tradition, base on the present, and create the future.

Watch Live Focused Learning

July 2021


Organize to watch the live broadcast of the meeting celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, organize party members to watch online the large-scale themed exhibition of "Don't forget the original heart and keep in mind the mission" held by the History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China, watch the cultural performances celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and watch the success of the Communist Party of China through watching 100th Anniversary Celebration Deepens Learning.

Deeply remember the glorious course of the Communist Party of China's century-old struggle, further deepen the understanding of the spirit of the "July 1st" important speech, strengthen the ideological consensus and action awareness of party members, gather the forging forces to promote high-quality transformation, and ensure that the study and education of party history starts well and ends well. Goodness.

Watch Live Focused Learning

July 2021


According to the time node of the staff training plan of Mohe Forestry Bureau in 2021, according to the actual situation, organize party members to learn "Red Boat Spirit", "Bei Great Wilderness Spirit", "Century Heart and Historical Mission", "Development History of Mohe Forestry Bureau", "Social The core values ​​of communism" and "the deeds of advanced typical figures" and other training and learning, further temper the "seven abilities" of party members.

Draw wisdom and strength from history, keep the original intention and shoulder the mission in the study of party history. Continuously improve the ideological position and awareness of party members, noble political pursuit, pure political quality, inherit the red gene, strengthen ideals and beliefs, abide by the feelings of the people, bravely shoulder historical responsibilities, and boost the "spirit" of the party members of the human resources department. Provide a strong political guarantee for the better and faster development of the Forestry Bureau.

Concentrated learning in training courses

July-October 2021


In-depth study of the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Party.

Focusing on studying the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Party, carry out special seminars, choose a step to deepen the study and education of party history, and better use the spirit of the Central Committee to unify thinking, will, and action.

intensive study

November 2021


In-depth study of the spirit of the important committee's speech at the Party History Study and Education Summary Conference.

Deeply understand the major achievements and valuable experience of party history learning and education, transform the party history learning and education achievements into comprehensively strengthening party building, comprehensively building a modern socialist country, and providing a strong and powerful team of party members for better and faster development of Mohe Forestry Bureau Assure.

conference focused learning

After the Central Party History Study and Education Summary Conference

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