Special Students Education Essay Part 3

 Special Students Education Essay Part 3

Dance education can enrich the imagination of deaf students and inspire their minds. The performance forms, themes and styles of dance are diverse, and the feelings it brings to people are also diverse. Through dance education for deaf students, we can let deaf students perceive the mood of dancers by observing the dance movements , Cultivate their imagination; You can also feel the beauty and charm of dance by letting deaf students practice dance movements, and promote their physical development; Recognition enhances their self-confidence and makes them more willing to express themselves and reflect their own value.

Special Students Education Essay Part 3

2. Common methods of dance teaching for deaf students.

(1) Cultivate the self-confidence of deaf students and cultivate their interest in dance learning. 

1. Encourage and affirm more frequently to cultivate the self-confidence of deaf students. Deaf students are timid and lack self-confidence. They always feel that they have great defects. Therefore, the most important thing in dance teaching for deaf students is to cultivate their self-confidence. The most direct way is to give more encouragement to them. Use incentives in teaching, and be good at discovering the little progress of children, especially some little boys who are resistant to dancing. As long as they make a little progress, they must be encouraged in time, so that they can gradually walk out of the teacher's encouragement. Shadow, eventually fell in love with dancing. 

2. Self-presentation, enjoy self-confidence.

A celebrity once said that if a child has never felt the joy brought by labor or study, and has not tasted the joy of overcoming difficulties, then this child is very unfortunate! This sentence means that only when a child has experienced the joy of success in this matter, can he fall in love with it and be willing to do it. The same is true for deaf students learning dance.

Deaf students have great differences in the learning of dance movements, lack of understanding and comprehension ability, the teacher can only teach dance movements step by step, and they can master the movements proficiently by learning step by step, but this is the small step. Success can bring them joy and become a turning point in their dance learning.

(2) Implement diversified dance teaching to enhance deaf students' interest in dance learning.

1. The forms of dance teaching should be diversified. 

Dance teaching for deaf students is roughly divided into these parts: basic skills exercises, group dances, children's dances, group dances and folk dances. It is quite difficult for deaf students with hearing impairment. Due to the limitation of their own hearing, deaf students have no way to combine music and dance learning. They can only feel every dance movement through vision. The difficulty of learning movements makes them feel that dance class It became more and more boring, and gradually lost interest in dancing. For this situation, the teacher must change the teaching mode of the classroom frequently, start with the movements that the children are interested in, and integrate the movements they like into the dance courses to be learned.

For example: We know that boys are generally less interested in dancing. Because boys' physical coordination is worse than girls, boys are always not interested in dance classes and do not actively cooperate.

But most boys prefer cartwheels, and they often turn over and over in the playground, so the teacher integrated this action into the course "I am a Little Soldier". The teacher also temporarily changed the teaching mode of the classroom. I put on my military cap and did a few cartwheels first. The children suddenly became emotional and rushed to show it. 

The teacher asked a few boys who were not usually active to show their moves. I didn’t expect them to move. Well done! In the happy mood of the children, the teacher proposed the content to be learned in a timely manner, and the children's emotions became higher and higher. They learned dance moves in a happy atmosphere, so that the children really changed from "let me learn" to "I want to learn" enhances students' interest in learning.

2. The way of thinking in dance teaching should be diversified. 

In the learning of dance, let the children use their imagination as much as possible. For example: in the teaching of Mongolian dance, we first show a few Mongolian dance moves to deaf students, and then let the children take a look at the Mongolian dance. The videos of people's lives remind them of some Mongolian dance movements, such as: eagle flying, milking cows, etc., through the living habits and characteristics of Mongolians. With this kind of teaching, we can not only complete our teaching tasks, but also exercise children's thinking ability and enhance their interest in learning.

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Special Student Education Papers Collection - Part 1


Special Students Education Essay Part 2

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